Saturday 31 October 2015

Super Mario Maker: My Levels

Hey Guys

I want to share a new game I have been getting into. For all those Mario fans out there this is the gold nugget of the series. Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.

In this game its all about creating Mario levels from scratch sharing them on the network and then playing other peoples levels. But if that was not enough to blow you away then listen to this...

After you have made a level you can switch it between four different Mario styles with the click on a button. Everything changes to that style from the game mechanics to the monsters.

Now you may be thinking that the uploaded levels will be flooded with shit levels and you are not wrong there are a few of them, but Nintendo has a trick up its sleeves to prevent too many shit levels. When you first start playing you can only upload 10 levels. If you want to upload more you need to get stars. Stars are collected from other players starring you levels. So if you only put up shit levels you will only ever get 10 to upload, limiting the shittiness of the levels.

The good thing is you can remove levels you have uploaded and upload new ones. So if you later on get the hang of things and make some new, BETTER, levels then you will take down the ones that are not doing so well and put up your new good level. This help increase the quality of levels.

I have a few levels of my own I am particularly proud of.

The first is Star Run. Its all about getting to the next star before your time runs out.
Name: Star Run - ID: 3E30-0000-008F-9860

The next is a chase game. Grab the shell, throw it and chase it. If you can't keep up you won't finish the level.
Name:Shellie Chase - ID: B94C-0000-00C4-4564

My last and favourite has to be my escape room. You are dropped into an empty room, can you find the exit.
Name: Escape Room - ID: 7394-0000-00C6-131A

Well thats it guys, if you like my levels give them a star :D

Geek it up Readers


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