Sunday 3 May 2015

Zombie Zunday - Must See Movies

Hey Guys, SighFye here, welcome to another Zombie Zunday.

Today I was going to do my top 3 zombie movies but there are so many to choose from. Instead I decided to give a list of must see zombie movies. In my opinion a good zombie movie is not about blood, guts and gore. It's how that movie brings something new to the table. This list will be in no particular order. So lets get straight into it.

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead is a zombie movie in the comedy range. Drop beat Shaun finds himself in a breakup. His girlfriend says he is going no where in  his life and needs someone who has more direction. The next morning, hungover, Shaun heads to a grocery store in need of  a few things, unaware the the zombie apocalypse has happened.

This hilarious story unfolds as Shaun makes a solid plan to save his mum from her zombie husband (Shaun's step dad, whom he hates), save his girlfriend, and prove to her he is the man she needs. A great movie with a great story line and huge laughs.


Columbus is an uninfected college student who has learned that the way to survive the zombie apocalypse is to follow the rules. He has rules for every situation.
  1. Cardio: You must be fit and must be able to run long distances.
  2. Double Tap: If you kill a zombie, hit it again in the head. You never know when they will get back up
  3. Beware of Bathrooms: Bathrooms are a danger to enter.
  4. Seatbelt: Always were your seatbelt
I think from memory he has about 50 rules to stick by.

Along his travels, Columbus meets Tallahassee. This guy follows no rules and is very reckless. As the pair progress Columbus is forced to revisit his rules and make a few changes. At a grocery store, the pair find themselves bumping into an interested pair of sisters.

This movie is great. It has fantastic laughs, is really well delivered and has a great story line. It brings the zombies away from a horror movie and into a comedy scene.

Warm Bodies

While we are on the comedy side of zombie movies I want to bring to the table Warm Bodies. This zombie movie is from a zombie's perspective. He has a best friend, they meet up each day, more as a brain dead routine than anything, and they feed together. But what happens when a zombie falls in love with a pretty girl.

This movie is like a reverse zombie movie. One zombie is infected with love and his body starts to come alive. As each zombie sees the love in him, they too begin to feel again.

A different zombie movie with a great story. Well worth the watch.

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Dawn of the dead is a remake of the 1978 zombie movie with the same title. Ana, a nurse in a local hospital, heads home after a long shift to her husband and misses the emergency broadcast as they have a steamy shower together. The next day a neighbourhood girl comes into the bedroom with blood running down her face. Thinking she is in danger they rush to help but the little girl attacks Ana's husband. With his neck bleeding Ana tried to dial 911 but cannot get through as the lines are busy. Within a few minutes her husband dies, jumps back to his feet and attacks Ana. With a lucky escape Ana makes her way out of the city, but ends up in a car crash. She survives the crash and meets up with an ex cop and another small group of people, they hold up in a mall for safety.

This movie was the first time I had ever seen a zombie run. I clearly remember the one armed zombie walking down the street, he turns to see the group trying to get into a door and starts sprinting towards them at full pelt. My reaction "Oh Shit!". A lot of this movie is them safely inside the mall but as time progresses they realise they cannot stay there. They need to move on. A great movie and a first for the running zombies.

World War Z

In World War Z, we find ourselves in the midst of a whole new zombie style. These zombies are not the half rotten zombies who are struggling to walk or run. Oh no, these zombies are brutal and will give 110% to get their next prey. They don't slow down to enter doorways, they just all pile in, slamming into walls as they go.

The solution in this movie was also one I did not see coming, which I will also not give away. The movie had me on the edge of my seat all the way through. They had a great knack of making you feel like everything is now safe for a while and then making it crumble all down in an instant. This movie has the most scary zombie situation I have ever seen.

This is my favourite zombie movie of all time. It is well worth every second and cent you spend on it.

I am Legend

This movie was a massive change in the idea of a zombie. A cure for cancer brings a massive victory to the world, until it kills 90% of the infected population, the remaining 10% are turned into vicious predators who are vulnerable to sunlight. Staying behind at ground zero, Neville feels it's his responsibility to find a cure. After all, it was his fault the virus was made. Finding himself alone, and immune to infection, he experiments on infected rats in his basement lab to find fail after fail. While the infected become smarter and more determined to find his home.

As I said before a good zombie movie has got to find a new way to present the zombie story. This is one of the best reinventions. I Am Legend provides an incredible story and on the edge of your seat moments at all corners.

There you have it guys, if you haven't seen these movies I HIGHLY recommend all of them. If you feel I have missed some then please comment below. You can follow me on Twitter here And don't forget to follow the blog to the top-right.

Thanks Again Guys


1 comment:

  1. I am legend was disappointing. They missed the point of the original movie altogether. The zombies were supposed to be intelligent to the point of telling each other stories about the monster that hunted them when the sun was in the sky. Literally he was a legend among the zombies. Will smith got a pretty good "Look at me" film out of it though and he's a pretty good actor.
