Monday 15 June 2015

It Follows

I recently watched the movie It Follows, written and directed by David Robert Mitchell, a retro horror mystery about a beautiful teenage girl, Jay, moving into adulthood. Her and her new boyfriend, Hugh, sleep together for the first time, then Hugh tells Jay he has passed on a fatal curse which will follow her until it kills her. It may show up as a stranger or a friend and will continue to creep up on her until she passes it on.

While most horror movies have you feeling scared with edge of your seat suspense, frights to make you jump, followed by horrific gore, It Follows has you sit and study the screen in constant dread and paranoia, there are moments which make you jump but instead of a suspense build up, you relate to Jay and begin imagining what it would be like to be slowly stalked without having even one moment to relax, you sit in suspense the whole time.

The ambiance of the movie is amazing, it's relatable as though these kids could be your neighbours. I highly recommend this horror flick the next time you're in for a scare.

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