Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Call of Duty: The End Of PC Warfare

Hey guys, SighFye here

I have played many CoD's on PC in my day, the last big one for me was Black Ops. I did buy Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 2 but I noticed a repeating pattern in them and have been told that Ghost and Advanced Warfare both have this same pattern. What is this pattern? It's the lack of a server browser and rentable ranked server.
Image from

Black Ops 1 was an amazing game. Servers in that game are still running today and are running at full capacity. This is because people can see the servers and choose to join them. They know they are controlled by admins keeping abuse and fair play.

Image from
All the cod games I have played and been told about since have not had the server browser and on PC these games have died very quickly. Without server browsers people are only going into TDM and that gets boring quickly. There are just not enough people on PC for the match making lobbies to work. But why doesn't Activision give us what we want. Personally I think this is because we are all screaming for dedicated servers without realising what we are asking for. Dedicated servers mean the CoD will not host the game on one of the players computers.

So what do we really want? We want rentable ranked servers which are displayed in a server browser. The lobby crap does not work for PC. With Black Ops 3 coming out, I do not see our wishes coming true. I personally will never buy another COD unless it has a server browser and rentable ranked servers.

Well that's my rant for today.

Peace Out


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