Wednesday, 8 April 2015

NES-top Computer: Part 4

 Hey guys SighFye here,

This is part 4 of the NES-top build. If you have not yet read about it, you can start by clicking here.

The motherboard has arrived so now I can prepare the NES housing. First thing is to see where the motherboard can sit and chop all the plastic risers and anything else in the way. The only way I could chop them with my hacksaw was to chop the back out first. This makes way for the motherboard port plate too.
I used some of the rises I cut off and glued them in place where the motherboard screws needed to be. Being the master engineer I am, I glued 2 in the wrong spot and a few at the wrong heights so only 2 screws on hold the motherboard in place. But it is held firmly so I see no issue with it.
Next top top housing need to be cut to allow room for the port plate.
Putting the two parts back together (not screwing them as a lot more needs to be added) I get this...
Ignore the paint marks, I am also in process of painting the NES and choosing colours too, but that will be another post towards the end of it all.

Now the motherboard is in place I have found my next obstacle. The front switches no longer fit in their place.
Being an old system the switches are rather large. A quick Google brought me to a simple solution.

These are small switches that do the same thing. Gluing the original front of the button to these will cut down the space needed.

On another note, some of the parts I placed on Ebay have sold bringing my total cost down a little.
ITEM: 6 items sold on Ebay
PRICE:  $25.81

So that's it for now. The power supply has been ordered from and I am heading into the city on Friday. I should be able to pick up the hard drive, blu-ray drive and ram.

Until then... stay geeky

Read the next part right here


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